506.663.9377 rhea@idea2plan.ca

How about an Idea Coach?

You’ve got a great business or program idea and you want to see it move ahead but you’re stuck – wondering – will the payoff meet your expectations, how long will it take, will there be enough customers? Is there enough of a demand? Will there be enough profit to make it worthwhile? Can I afford the expenses?

Need relevant market insights?

You’re at the stage of needing some reliable information related to the feasibility of your idea – from someone well grounded in research skills, someone who would like to see you succeed but practical enough to recognize challenges and look for solutions.

You’ve just described our Idea Coach – at Idea2Plan!

Rhea Bowen, our principal at Idea2Plan is our premiere Idea Coach. She loves research! She loves challenges! AND she wants to help you on your pathway to success! She’s also a great coach! Just like business advisors in large consulting companies she has a strong academic background combined with experience in both the private and public sector at a management level.

Testing the Water

  • 2 hours – 2 conference calls – initial, follow up + 1 hour data collection, interpretation

Ready for Action

  • 5 hours – 3 conference calls, 3 hours data collections and interpretation

In Depth

  • 7 hours – 4 conference calls, 5 hours data collections, analysis and interpretation

Ready to get started?

Click to contact Idea2Plan
“I enjoy working with Rhea because she is interprets concepts quickly and clearly. She is methodical in the way she schedules project delivery and completes assignments timely and with exceptional quality.” Client


“Another job well done I enjoy working with organized, and reliable professionals. Rhea is one of the very best.” Client


“Another superb job completed on time within budget and with the highest excellence by a true professional. What a delight to work with someone so reliable.” Client


“Great work product once again. Succinctly presented yet comprehensive delivery of pertinent facts. ” Client
